
ING in your area

This is ING’s corporate website. ING provides products and services to various customers and businesses in over 40 countries via our various retail and wholesale banking business lines.

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ING is a global financial institution of Dutch origin, offering banking, investments, life insurance and retirement services to meet the needs of a broad customer base. Going forward, we will concentrate on our position as an international retail, direct and commercial bank, while creating an optimal base for an independent future for our insurance/investment management operations.

Please click on the blue dropdown button next to the Products & Services title to see in which countries we are offering our products & services.

ING headquarters

ING Group’s head office staff serve a large number of stakeholders from the Cedar building, located in Amsterdam Zuidoost, the Netherlands.

Cedar exterior

Cedar exterior

Cedar interior

Cedar interior

Visiting address

ING Group
Bijlmerdreef 106
1102 CT Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Postal address

ING Group
P.O. Box 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Planning a visit? Check the details on how to get to Cedar building. (PDF 0.3 MB)

ING Group is commercially registered as ING Groep N.V. in Amsterdam, no. 33231073

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