Breaking barriers to fintech fame
Amsterdam, 7 December 2015
Would you like to take part in an exciting initiative to stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation in the Dutch financial services industry?

Well , here’s your chance. ‘Breaking barriers’ is an ING-initiated event on 10 February 2016 in Amsterdam, bringing together more than 500 professionals from banks, financial institutions, fintech startups and communities and government.
The aim of the conference is to find ways through greater collaboration to overcome the hurdles which hinder entrepreneurship and innovation in Dutch financial services.
These include regulation, lack of standards, limited funding, legacy systems, and bureaucracy.
The programme includes keynote speakers such as Eric Ries (author of the Lean Startup), Yuri van Geest (ambassador of Singularity), Don Ginsel (founder of Holland FinTech) and Patrick de Zeeuw (co-founder Startup Bootcamp). They will share their views on some of the obstacles in the path towards greater innovation.
The dizzying pace of change in technology means that today’s financial industry, both old and new, will have to adapt more quickly to grasp opportunities and to avoid being left behind. This is possible, if everyone works together.
Join ING and many others and share the spirit and enthusiasm in establishing a true entrepreneurial culture in this very important industry.