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About ING Group

Where is ING’s Group head office?

ING's head office is situated in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Who is the CEO of ING?

Steven van Rijswijk is the CEO and chairman of the Executive Board of ING. He started in the role on 1 July 2020 and has been a member of the Executive Board since 2017.

When was ING formed?

ING Group was created in 1991 through the merger of the Dutch insurer Nationale-Nederlanden and the Dutch bank NMB Postbank Groep. More information: History of ING

What is the management structure of ING?

Since June 2009, ING has a Management Board Banking; reporting to the Executive Board.

What is ING’s business structure?

We have designated three distinct categories of markets and have developed our strategy accordingly. They are characterised as Market leaders, Challengers and Growth markets.

For more information on our structure, the clients we serve and the products we offer, check ING at a glance.

How many people work at ING?

ING has more than 56,000 employees worldwide.

What’s the difference between ING Bank and ING Group?

ING Group is a listed company and holds all shares of ING Bank. ING Bank is the parent company of various Dutch and foreign banks. ‘ING Bank’ is also used as a commercial name.

Deposit guarantees

Which banks are covered by the Dutch Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS)?

  • Dutch banks operating under a license from DNB (the Dutch central bank) fall into the scope of the Dutch DGS. ING banks such as ING Bank N.V. have a license from DNB.
  • The following branches of ING Direct N.V. are also covered by the Dutch DGS: France, Italy and Spain.
  • The Dutch regulator DNB regulates Dutch banks strictly. Operating under a license from DNB, these banks are subject to strict rules. DNB actively monitors if banks abide to these rules. Money in current accounts, savings accounts or special savings accounts such as fixed-term deposits fall into the scope of the Dutch DGS.

I’m a customer of an ING branch in another EU Country. Is my money protected by the DGS?

  • Dutch banks operating under a license from DNB (the Dutch central bank) fall into the scope of the Dutch DGS. ING banks such as ING Bank N.V. have a license from DNB.
  • The following branches of ING Direct N.V. are also covered by the Dutch DGS: France, Italy and Spain.
  • The Dutch regulator DNB regulates Dutch banks strictly. Operating under a license from DNB, these banks are subject to strict rules. DNB actively monitors if banks abide to these rules. Money in current accounts, savings accounts or special savings accounts such as fixed-term deposits fall into the scope of the Dutch DGS.

What amount is guaranteed by the Dutch DGS?

The Dutch DGS guarantees an amount of EUR 100,000 per person per financial institution (regardless the number of accounts). If you have a shared account with another person, the maximum is EUR 100,000 per person.

What products are covered by the Dutch DGS?

Money held in current accounts, savings accounts or special savings accounts such as fixed-term deposits is covered by the DGS. Shares or bearer bonds held there are not covered. Whether subordinated deposits fall under the DGS will have to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

I’m a customer at an ING Bank which is seated outside of the Netherlands, which deposit guarantee scheme applies to me? 

Corporate governance

Does ING have a code of conduct?

Yes. We have a set of ING values which are part of the Orange Code – our manifesto that describes our way of working. Balancing the rights and interests of all involved is crucial to our ongoing viability. That means acting in ways that can stand the test of time and living up to the values we hold as true. By being explicit about our values, we tell the world this is how you can expect our employees to behave. With integrity above all as the overriding principle, our Orange Code was developed in 2014.

What is ING’s reaction to the revised Dutch Corporate Governance Code?

ING published a booklet, in which you will find the principles and best-practice provisions of the revised Dutch Corporate Governance Code and the way ING Groep N.V. applies these.

As recommended by the Frijns Committee, the implementation of the revised Code was discussed at the 2010 General Meeting as a separate agenda item. On 27 April 2010, the General Meeting approved ING’s implementation of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code.

Who is ING’s independent auditor?

KPMG is ING Group’s sole audit firm, performing the external audit of ING Group as of 2015.

The Supervisory Board’s proposal to assign the external audit of ING Groep N.V. and its subsidiaries to one single audit firm was approved by ING Group’s General Meeting on 11 May 2015. The decision allows ING to improve efficiency of the audit activities and to reduce audit costs.

Financial information

Where can I find ING’s results?

Information on ING’s results can be found in the Investor Relations section, under financial performance.

When does ING present its financial results?

You can find the dates for our results and other financial events in the financial calendar in the Investor Relations section.

How can I automatically receive press releases?

To receive press releases on a regular basis, sign up via our e-mail news service.

Where can I find annual reports?

Annual reports can be found in the annual report archive.

Shareholder information

Where are ING's shares listed?

ING Group ordinary shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam & Brussels. ADRs are listed on NYSE and are administered by JP Morgan Chase. More information can be found here.

What is ING's dividend policy?

Information about ING’s dividend and distribution policy can be found here.

What are ING's ratings?

You can find ING’s credit and sustainability ratings on the Ratings page of the Investor Relations section.

Who are the largest investors in ING?

Information about ING’s largest investors can be found here.


Does ING invest my money in harmful things?

At ING, we apply various environmental, ethical and social principles when investing money on behalf of ourselves and of our customers. There are certain sectors and countries that are totally excluded from financing, like fur production, cosmetic animal testing or controversial arms industries. We check every transaction and every client against our environmental and social risk policies. If they don’t meet our standards, and aren’t willing to change, we don’t do the deal.

As we assess potential clients and deals, our approach is to have a dialogue and support clients in improving their environmental and social impact where possible. Our response to funding requests is often, “yes, but…”, outlining improvements that the company will have to make first. We feel that this is how we can make the most positive impact.

Check Our stance to see where we stand on specific issues.

Where does ING stand on issues like human rights, deforestation and animal welfare?

Our business activities have a significant influence on communities and the environment. It’s important for us to make the right choices in how, where and with whom we do business – and crucially, being transparent about the underlying principles that guide our daily business decisions. We have strict environmental and social risk policies that are applicable to all of our products and services. All ING entities, representative offices and companies that are under our control are to uphold our policies in all countries where we do business. Check Our stance to see where we stand on specific issues.

What is ING’s approach to climate change?

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. ING’s commitment and leadership start with our own operations, which are climate neutral. But as a bank, ING makes the most impact through our financing, via the money we loan to companies and customers. We have a loan book of about €600 billion across many sectors, which we have begun steering towards meeting the Paris Agreement’s two-degree goal. We call our strategy to get there the Terra approach. Read all about our approach to climate action.

How does ING apply international labour rights standards?

Having a workforce that reflects the diversity of our customer base and a working environment in which a diverse workforce can feel comfortable being themselves are important priorities for ING. Our employees should be unafraid to voice different opinions.

The human rights we consider fundamental and universal for our workforce include the right to freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, and freedom from discrimination based on race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion and national and social origin. ING supports eliminating all forms of forced labour and child labour.

ING has had a Human Rights Statement for employees since 2006, expressing our commitment to support international labour rights standards. More detail can be found in our detailed Human rights and the workplace statement (PDF 184KB). You can also read more on our human rights page.

Contact information

How can I contact ING?

Please check out the contact us page on how to contact us.

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