
Animal welfare

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Companies operating in the animal farming sector and other animal-involved sectors face, amongst others, the challenges of meeting increasing global food demand and the desire to improve human health, while minimising negative impacts on communities, the environment and animals.

Addressing these challenges effectively requires that environmental, social and ethical impacts be carefully considered. ING encourages its clients to seek continuous improvement, applicable certification and best practices in environmental, health and safety and animal welfare management. For example, ING encourages clients in the animal husbandry sector to manage their animals in line with the “Five Freedoms” and to seek continuous improvement related to animal transport and stewardship.

ING’s animal welfare policy applies to clients within the scope of our ESR Framework that affect or potentially affect animal welfare, such as farming and fishing activities. This policy has a restricted list of activities we will not finance, such as trading endangered species for commercial purposes, manufacturing or trade in fur products, and animal testing for non-medical purposes.

Further details on these best practices and our animal welfare policies can be found in our ESR Framework.

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